

You can book for confidential In House  Holotropic Breathwork, Counselling and Psychotherapy. We offer a range of therapies that enable clients to resolve past and current mental health issues.

Welcome to Life Options with Integrative Therapies



Talking about ones problems can be of great help - getting a different perspective on a stressful situation can throw light onto possible solutions.


South Somerset Counselling.

Positive Mental Health is important for all relationships.

Counselling and Psychotherapy aim to help resolve the stresses that many couples experience.


Processing the emotional content of one's issues leads to a release of the negative effects on the individual, enabling a more positive approach to life. 


Over time, our clients discover 'within themselves', resources that enable them to deal with and understand their challenges, to take personal responsability, instead of constantly arguing, being angry or maintaining a sullen silence and 'putting up with abuse or ill treatment' for example.

Where appropriate we suggest where to seek professional legal assistance when a breakdown in the relationship becomes unavoidable.


Counselling for Children and Teenagers


Counselling for children and teenagers, who may be learning to adjust to, and understand their emotions, comes with respect and acknowledgement of their feelings.


We offer the opportunity to discuss any presenting issues or, if that is unacceptable, a silent setting is an option where we use techniques that are non-invasive yet allow the client time and space to explore and gain understanding from the process.



Counselling for Adults


Adults of course have many concerns; about themselves; their children; aged parents; health and so on.


When there is a 'loaded' emotional content to current issues, and this is explored in a safe setting, it is often found that there are strong links from back in the client's own childhood and formative events that took place at that time.


Given time for the 'inner exploration', a positive emotional understanding (emotional intelligence) and congnitive resolution to those troubling or puzzling issues can be achieved.

For an initial free phone conversation or to Book a session contact Ray or Carole - 01460 249771 or email info@integrativetherapies.co.uk, thank you.

We can change.........

Early childhood imprints last a lifetime.

What does that mean? Well, many of our 'adult habits' for instance, are a 'left over' reaction to early trauma.

There are so many aspects to these early traumas that as parents we have no idea that our behaviour has affected our beloved child.

A sudden sharp sound, a raised voice, a sudden disconnection from mother or from breast feeding can induce a trauma that is not registered by the parent. In our work with clients these early traumas are discovered and by revealing them they loose their impact on our adult life, we become more 'authentic' more able to deal with difficult situations and learn to respond to situations rather than react. Life improves. 

Can we help you? Phone for a ten minute initial chat to see what options are available for you.